

NolaJoy Carello:

The Mystics Publicist…Television Producer/Reporter - Host
Public Relations Consultant…Motivational Speaker...Author Of Four Websites

NolaJoy is a highly motivated senior journalist with more than twenty years of proven diversified public relations, radio and television expertise.  Excellent communication, leadership, organizational, promotional and time management skills. Orchestrated numerous shows from innovation initial concept through development to final production.
Poised and confident with a powerful voice.

Contact #  (916) 362-6477


                                                                     Fill out the Contact Form & Submit

Bookings information , Your Questions for The MYSTICS, Scheduled Dates,  Your Reviews &  Interview Requests


Tylor Crocker

Webmaster & Graphic Designer.

​He was gracious enough to create our new logo and we are constantly updating our website here with new and exciting information and photos.

Tylor is from Massachusetts and has been a huge fan of the Mystics’ signature sound along with other doo wop groups such as the Platters, Drifters, and Coasters.  He was lucky enough to meet many groups in person and is a huge believer in keeping our music alive!

Later in life, during college, he was able to take numerous classes in digital marketing and design and it has truly become a passion of his. We are so lucky to have his talents on board and he is thrilled to be able to combine his love for doo wop music with his passion for web design.

The MYSTICS (R) Executive Assistant from 2011 to Present.   Director for George Galfo's MYSTICS, Inc.

2002 to Present.  George Galfo's MYSTICS d/b/a The Mystics  manager from 2002 to 2011 . 

For 21 yrs I have  taken care of the bookings,  bookkeeping, designed & updated their

 do all the graphics on photos, take the photos, make flyers when needed for upcomimg shows,  take & edit the videos  & post

on all 3 facebook pages..
Friends & Fans of The MYSTICS (r)
 & The Mystics Band
The MYSTICS (r) Tour Dates

The MYSTICS"(r)                                 

I send out emails to all members/band of the upcoming dates & details, in charge of George Galfo's MYSTICS , Inc

financial ledger, Director at George Galfo's MYSTICS Inc, d/b/a The MYSTICS  which  is registered since 2003  and is 

renewed every year with the State of Florida.  Take care of all the travel arrangements, work with their Publicist, take care

of obtaining Liability Insurance when needed for the gated communities  & some county venues,  sending out their Press Kit

when requested, taking care of all the corporations business needs.

I was also employed by Eveyln Madonia to work closely with her in booking the talent for the Diningroom and Ballroom

at the Red Rose Inn & Suites, Plant City, FL.  Created the promotional videos for all the upcoming shows & especially

enjoyed the Red Rose Doo Wop Weekends.  Our video page was named The Scarletts!

Prior to relocating to FL  in 1986  my  x husband  & I owned a very Successful Horse  business in Oak Ridge, Missouri . 

We bred our  Saddlebred Mares to top bloodline Studs & our trainers showed our Saddlebreds  throughoutt  the tri state

area in the midwest.  We were fortunate to own a 5 time  World Champion Mare "Welcome To My World" as well as other

Top Blood Line Mares. 

Helped run my x husbands  Freelance Aerospace Engineering Co based in Long Island, NY  for over 15 yrs and had

Homemade Craft Business  in Missouri as well as working for Credit Bureaus in Rockville Center, NY  and Cape  Girardeau,

MO so I'm no stranger to the business world..

You can contact me directly  for booking information & interviews  at the below email addresses & phone number. or  954-830-4118

Meet Our Staff!

                                    Official Electronic Press Release & EPK

             The MYSTICS featuring Original founding Member GEORGE GALFO